
Welcome to the world of tennis, where speed and power are essential for dominating the court! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, having explosive power and lightning-fast speed can give you a competitive edge on the tennis court.

But how do you achieve that level of athleticism? The answer lies in specific tennis workouts designed to enhance your acceleration, improve your agility, and boost your overall performance on the tennis court.

We will explore some exciting exercises that will help improve your game. Get ready to unlock your full potential with these training tips from the Mo Tennis Academy!

Acceleration Drills

One of the key elements in tennis is being able to get off the mark with your first step quickly. First-step acceleration can make all the difference in getting to those hard-to-reach shots and gaining an advantage over your opponent.

Try incorporating agility ladder drills into your training routine to improve your acceleration. These drills involve quick footwork patterns that challenge your reaction time and coordination. By practicing these exercises regularly, you’ll develop the explosiveness needed to react swiftly to any situation on the court.

Another effective exercise for enhancing first-step acceleration on the tennis court, is shuttle runs. Set up a series of markers or cones about 10-15 feet apart and sprint back and forth between them as fast as you can. This drill mimics the quick changes in direction that often occur during a match, helping you build speed and agility.

Remember, consistency is vital when it comes to improving your acceleration. Incorporate these exercises into routines at least twice weekly for optimal results. You can join the Mo Tennis Academy in San Diego to begin your acceleration drills.

Repeated Acceleration Drills with Braking

Repeated acceleration with braking is a crucial aspect of tennis training that focuses on developing explosive power and speed. This exercise helps players improve their ability to quickly change direction and react to different shots on the court.

Stand in a ready position to perform this workout with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a quick step forward with one foot, driving off the back leg explosively. As soon as you land, immediately brake by pushing off the front foot and bringing it back to the starting position.

Repeat this movement several times on the tennis court, alternating between both legs. The key is to focus on generating maximum power during each acceleration phase while maintaining control during the braking phase.

This exercise mimics the dynamic movements required in tennis matches, where players must accelerate towards the ball and then decelerate rapidly to prepare for their next shot. By practicing repeated first-step accelerations with braking, players can enhance their agility and reaction time on the court.

Shadow Weight Transfer

The Mo Tennis Academy in San Diego can help you train the shadow weight transfer which is a tennis workout focusing on improving balance and coordination. It involves mimicking the movements of a stroke without actually hitting the ball. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles that transfer weight from one foot to another during a shot.

To perform this workout, stand in your ready position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine you are about to hit a forehand or backhand stroke. As you shift your weight onto your back foot, transfer it smoothly and explosively onto your front foot as if you were striking the ball.

By practicing shadow weight transfer regularly, you can enhance your ability to quickly change direction on the court and generate power in your shots. Additionally, this exercise helps improve overall body awareness and control.

Incorporating shadow weight transfer into your tennis training routine will help you become quicker and enhance your agility and stability on the tennis court. 

Remember to Breathe

Many players focus solely on physical workouts and overlook the importance of proper breathing techniques. However, breathing plays a crucial role in enhancing performance on the tennis court.

During intense rallies or when making quick movements across the court, it’s common for players to hold their breath or take shallow breaths. This can lead to increased muscle tension and decreased stamina. To optimize your performance, it’s essential to remember to breathe deeply and consistently throughout your training sessions and matches.

Deep breathing not only supplies oxygen-rich blood to your muscles but also helps you relax mentally. By taking slow inhales through your nose and exhaling fully through your mouth, you can release tension from your body while maintaining focus on each shot.

Vary Your Routine

One way to mix up your routine is by trying different plyometric exercises. These explosive movements, such as frog jumps, weighted squat jumps, one-legged hops, and jumping lunges, can help improve your lower-body strength and power.

In addition to plyometrics, it’s important to include upper-body exercises that target the muscles used in tennis strokes. Clapping pushups are perfect for building upper-body explosiveness. 

This variation of the traditional pushup requires you to explode off the tennis court and clap your hands before landing back down.

Resistance band training which are available at the Mo Tennis Academy, is another effective way to vary your routine. There are also some body weight workouts that you can try at home to keep in sape.

Frog Jumps

Frog jumps are an excellent exercise for tennis players looking to improve their power and speed on the court. This plyometric movement targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core.

To perform frog jumps, start in a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. From here, jump forward while extending your arms overhead. Land softly back into a squat position and immediately repeat the movement.

The key to maximizing the benefits of frog jumps is to focus on generating as much power as possible with each jump. This means using your lower body strength to get off the ground and propel yourself forward.

In addition to building explosive power, frog jumps also help improve coordination and agility – two crucial skills for any tennis player.

By repeatedly performing this exercise, you’ll develop better control over your movements on the court and be able to react quickly to different shots or game situations.

Weighted Squat Jumps

Weighted squat jumps are fantastic for building power and speed on the tennis court. Adding resistance to your squats challenges your muscles even more, leading to more significant gains in strength and athleticism.

Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at chest level to perform weighted squat jumps. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower into a deep squat position. From there, explode upwards while pushing off the tennis court with force. As you jump, extend your arms overhead for maximum height.

The added weight increases the intensity of this exercise, forcing your muscles to work harder and generating more power as you leap off the ground. It also improves coordination and balance, which are crucial skills on the tennis court.

Incorporating weighted squat jumps into your training routine can help improve your explosiveness, overall agility, and speed. Plus, it’s fun to mix up your workouts and keep things exciting!

Always use proper form when performing any exercise involving weights or jumping movements. Start with lighter weights before gradually increasing the load as you get stronger.

Do not forget to warm up properly before diving into these intense exercises! You can join the Mo Tennis Academy in San Diego to begin your acceleration drills.

One Legged Hops

One-legged hops are a fantastic exercise for tennis players looking to improve their explosive power and speed on the court. This exercise specifically targets the muscles in your legs, helping you generate more force with each step.

To perform this exercise, start by balancing on one leg with a slight bend in your knee. Then, jump forward as far as you can using only that leg. Land softly and immediately explode into another hop. Repeat this movement for several repetitions before switching to the other leg.

This exercise helps improve your lower body strength and power while enhancing your balance and stability, which are crucial for quick direction changes during a match. Incorporating one-legged hops into your training routine will give you an advantage over opponents who lack explosiveness and agility.

Jumping Lunges

These exercises improve explosive power and speed on the tennis court and help increase leg strength and stability.

To perform jumping lunges, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward with your right foot, lowering your body into a lunge position. Ensure your front knee is directly above your ankle, and your back knee is hovering just above the ground.

From this lunge position, explode upward by pushing off with both feet simultaneously and switching the positions of your legs mid-air. Land softly in a lunge position again, with the left foot forward.

Repeat this movement for several reps or for a set amount of time before taking a rest. You can also add intensity by holding dumbbells or using resistance bands around your ankles.

Clapping Pushups

Clapping pushups are a fantastic exercise to incorporate into your tennis training routine. They help build upper body strength and improve explosive power and speed, which is crucial for quick movements on the tennis court.

Start by getting into a traditional pushup position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to perform clapping pushups.

Lower yourself down towards the ground while maintaining proper form, and then push off the ground so that your hands leave the floor. As you rise, clap your hands together before landing back in the starting position and immediately going into another repetition.

Clapping pushups require a significant amount of upper body strength and coordination. They engage multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.

You can improve your clapping pushups at the Mo Tennis Academy in San Dieguito and watch as you become faster and more powerful on the court!

Resistance Band Training

Incorporating resistance bands into your tennis workouts can help you target specific muscle groups used in tennis movements, such as lateral quickness, rotational power, and upper body strength.

One of the key benefits of using resistance bands is that they provide constant tension throughout the entire range of motion. This helps to improve muscle activation and overall strength. Additionally, resistance band training allows for greater flexibility in terms of exercise variety and customization based on individual needs.

To incorporate resistance band training into your tennis workouts, you can perform exercises such as lateral walks with a band around your ankles to strengthen hip abductors or shoulder rotations with a band anchored at waist height to improve racket swing speed.


Incorporate these specific tennis workouts into your training routine, along with regular practice sessions on the court; you’ll be well on your way towards improving your performance on the tennis court.

Whether you’re an aspiring professional or simply enjoy playing recreational matches, Mo Tennis Academy in San Dieguito offers top-notch coaching and facilities where you can improve your game. Get out there and start dominating the courts!